Rémy Asper
Attorney at Law, LL.M.
My areas of practice in transactional matters include:
- creation, management and transfer of businesses;
- shareholders' agreements;
- commercial contracts;
- employment contracts;
- agency, brokerage and consultant contracts;
- IP licensing agreements.
I negotiate and formalize amicable dispute settlements and represent my clients in civil, criminal and administrative proceedings. My main areas of practice include:
- commercial law;
- corporate law;
- intellectual property and unfair competition;
- civil liability;
- national and international attachment;
- construction work contracts and condominiums;
- criminal law.
I also assist my clients in the following areas:
- labor law;
- tenancy law;
- immigration law;
- invalidity and accident insurance, daily allowance insurance and occupational benefits;
- law of persons and family law;
- divorce law.
I practice in French and English and am fluent in German.
13, rue Robert-Céard
P.O. Box 3109
CH – 1211 Geneva 3
+41 22 736 46 67